Meet Our New Communications Manager, Jane Spitz!

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We are excited to introduce you to our new Communications Manager, Jane Spitz, a passionate filmmaker, and advocate for positive change. Throughout her journey, Jane has traveled extensively across British Columbia and around the world, using her camera to shine a light on critical issues such as gender equality in the pacific islands, spine care in rural Africa, and support for burn survivors and children with disabilities. Her mission is simple: to inspire positive change, touch hearts, and uplift communities in need through the art of storytelling.

In 2018, she founded her own video production company, and the Burn Fund became one of her first retainer clients. In 2019, she worked as a contractor, managing our social media and capturing the essence of our programs and events through her lens.

As our Communications Manager, Jane will be at the helm of our communication channels and digital platforms. She will handle media requests and create impactful social media and awareness campaigns.

One of Jane’s favorite aspects of her involvement with the Burn Fund is Burn Camp, a place where both children and adult volunteers can experience pure joy and a supportive community.

“In 2019, my first time at Camp, I felt self-conscious in my swimsuit with my scoliosis surgery scar showing. A fire fighter reassured me, saying scars are badges of honor, proof of surviving trauma. And in 2022, it was the Campers who gave me the courage to try river rafting and attempt to film the epic adventure. I was instantly hooked! Each Camp visit left me feeling braver. I came to capture their story, and they touched mine. That’s the magic of the Burn Fund, inspiring us all to be our best selves.”

Jane is an avid solo traveler. There’s nothing she loves more in this world than living out of a backpack, with her camera in hand, eyes wide with curiosity. She is eager to capture more of the Burn Fund’s beautiful memories and inspiring survivor stories.

Join us in welcoming Jane Spitz to the Burn Fund family. With her talent, passion, and dedication, we look forward to sharing our mission and stories in even more impactful ways. Stay tuned for the inspiring content that Jane will help create and share with all of you.


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