Korinna McNeil

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Keep Walking – When I came down to make my tea the kettle had just turned off. l put the tea bag into my Grande size travel cup and poured the boiling hot water into the cup. Immediately I picked up a spoon that was just behind the cup to add the honey so it could melt in the hot tea.

Before even reaching the honey, the cup of boiling hot water spilt over the edge of the counter top right onto my right thigh. I was wearing Spandex pants and had to get them off as my thigh was burning.

About a quarter of the cup splashed on my thigh. l thought that I put the cup back onto the counter top, but instead l dropped it onto the floor. The remaining three quarters of the hot water now spilt on my left foot and I was only wearing a sock.

I screamed for help and my two sons and daughter ran to help me; arranging for towels for my thigh and a bucket full of ice-cold water for my left foot.

Eventually l went to Mount St. Joseph’s Hospital and the staff advised me I had first-degree burns and to see my family doctor in five days. I was provided with some cream and bandages and released from the Hospital.

When I met with my doctor he took off the bandages and reported that I had in fact a severe second-degree burn as well as major damage to my foot. Home and doctor visits followed and months later my foot was still not healing. I went to see a specialist for the continual pain. I was treated with needles to treat a nerve blockage but I was only able to do this for two visits and then referred to the Head of the Pain Unit at St. Paul’s Hospital.

I started treatments of lidocaine on October 5, 2011. Every two months this tube goes in my stomach and I have nerve freezing that last for about three weeks. Early in 2013, I went to the Burn Unit out patient clinic and was told that my foot is fine and that there is nothing more that can be done which is an ongoing story for me with the experienced pain.

I joined The Future Is Mine in 2012 and I am a very active member in the program. The activities are varied as are my interests and the members are like a family to me! Also, I am on FACEBOOK for The Future Is Mine and really enjoy the connections and conversations that are shared. This is what gives me the ongoing determination to participate and know that I will…. Keep Walking!

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