In a heartwarming gathering of resilience and camaraderie, our recent Thrive Retreat held in Big White welcomed 17 young adult burn survivors from various corners of the province. The five-day retreat served as a nurturing space for healing and growth, fostering a sense of community among participants who have journeyed together since childhood.
Against the backdrop of the picturesque Big White, the retreat offered a diverse array of activities aimed at promoting both physical and emotional well-being. From revitalizing yoga sessions to engaging music trivia and exhilarating scavenger hunts, every moment was designed to uplift and empower.
One of the highlights included a memorable day-trip to Kelowna, where participants indulged in a birthday celebration at Midtown Restaurant and cheered on the ice alongside the West Kelowna Warriors at a thrilling hockey game. Additionally, the group gathered to watch the classic film “The Wizard of Oz,” using its timeless lessons as a catalyst for reflection and personal growth.
Through shared experiences and heartfelt conversations, the retreat provided a platform for each individual to recognize their own unique strengths and qualities. As they navigated through the challenges of their past, participants were reminded that resilience and courage reside within them, guiding them towards a brighter future.
The retreat not only facilitated personal growth but also strengthened the bonds of friendship that have flourished since the participants first connected at Burn Camp as young children. As they transition into adulthood, these enduring relationships serve as pillars of support, further enriching their lives and collective journey.