Fire Prevention Week – October 8th-14th, 2017

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Fire Prevention week is October 8th-14th, 2017

Knowing what to do in the case of a fire, can save you precious seconds that could mean the difference between escaping safely or suffering tragic consequences.  In honour of Fire Prevention week, here are a few tips to keep in mind to stay fire safe!

Create a Fire Escape Plan of your home:

  • Draw a simple diagram of your home, mark every window, door and exit on the plan
  • Review the plan with everyone in your family.
  • Have everyone in your family mark 2 ways out of every room
  • Choose a safe meeting point outside your home, where everyone is to meet in case of fire
  • Once outside, stay outside.  Never go back into a burning structure
  • Practice your fire escape plan at least twice a year, using different exits
  • Practice both at night and during the day so everyone knows how to get out
  • Teach children how to get out on their own, in case you are not able to assist them

Check Smoke Detectors:

  • Make sure there is a smoke detector on every level of your home, in every bedroom, and outside every sleeping area.
  • Check smoke detectors on a monthly basis to ensure they are all in good working order
  • Replace smoke detector batteries every 6 months
  • Replace smoke detectors in your home every 10 years

Keep Bedroom Doors Closed:

  • When you go to bed at night, make sure to close all bedroom doors.  A closed door may reduce the spread of heat, smoke and fire and can increase your chances of getting out safely.

Stay Low and Go!:

  • If you find yourself in a smoke filled room, be sure to “Stay Low and Go!”.  Smoke rises, so you will find cleaner air closer to the ground.  On hands and knees, head immediately to the nearest exit, if it is blocked or unsafe to use, choose an alternate exit in the room to get out safely.

Stop, Drop and Roll:

  • Should your clothing catch on fire, never run!  Stop where you are, drop to the ground, cover your face with your hands, and roll around to smother the flames.


Be sure to use and share these tips with family and friends as fire safety starts with you!


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